For all those who love these bed dolls!
Gauge Note:You must work to gauge specified or outfit will not look like photo. Change hook size as necessary to obtain gauge.FOR DECORATIVE USE ONLY- NOT A TOYNot Recommended for Ages 3 & UnderSymbols:* An asterisk is used to mark the beginning of a portion of instructions that will be worked more than once.() Parentheses are used to set off and clarify a group of stitches that are to be worked all into the same space or stitch and to provide additional information to clarify instructions.† The dagger identifies a portion of instructions that will be repeated again later in the same round or row.
Dress (for either doll)Bodice: Starting at neck edge with turquoise and size G hook (or size required for gauge), ch 39.ROW 1 (wrong side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and each rem ch across (38 sc). Ch 1, turn.ROW 2: Sc in each sc across (38 sc). Ch 1, turn.ROW 3: Sc in first 2 sc, *2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc; rep from * across (50 sc). Ch 1, turn.ROW 4 (Armhole Shaping): Sc in first 6 sc, ch 4, sk next 12 sc (for right armhole - fold skipped sts toward you), sc in next 14 sc, ch 4, sk next 12 sc (for left armhole - fold skipped sts toward you), sc in last 6 sc (26 sc). Ch 1, turn.ROW 5: Sc in each sc and ch across (34 sc). Ch 1, turn. ROWS 6-11: Sc in each sc across (34 sc). Ch 1, turn. At end of Row 11, ch 3 (in place of ch 1), turn.
UnderskirtROW 12: Working in back Ip of sts for this row only (front Ips will be used for overskirt), 2 dc in first sc, 3 dc in next 32 sc, 2 dc in last sc (100 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Finish off, do not turn.ROW 13: With right side still facing you, rejoin turquoise with sl st to top of ch-3 at beg of previous row, ch 3. Dc in each dc across, join to top of beg ch-3 (to close back opening) (100 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn. (Note: You will now be working in rnds instead of rows) RND 14: * Dc in next 4 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join to top of beg ch-3 (120 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 15: Dc in each dc around, join (120 dc). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 16: * Dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (140 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn. RND 17: Dc in each dc around, join (140 dc). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 18: * Dc in next 6 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (160 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RNDS 19-20: Dc in each dc around, join (160 dc). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 21: * Dc in next 7 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (180 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RNDS 22-23: Dc in each dc around, join (180 dc). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 24: * Dc in next 8 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (200 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RNDS 25-26: Dc in each dc around, join (200 dc). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 27: * Dc in next 9 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (220 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 1, do not turn. RND 28: Sc in each dc around, join to first sc (220 sc). Ch 3, do not turn.RNDS 29-33: Sc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join (220 sc). Ch 1, do not turn. At end of Rnd 33, ch 3 (in place of ch 1), do not turn.RND 34: Work 2 dc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join to top of beg ch-3 (440 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RNDS 35-39: Dc in each dc around, join (440 dc). Ch 3, do not turn. At end of Rnd 39, ch 1 (in place of ch 3), do not turn.RND 40: Sc in each dc around, join to first sc (440 sc). Finish off, weave in ends.
OverskirtWith neck edge of bodice facing you, rejoin turquoise with sl st to first unworked lp from Skirt Row 12 at right back waist, ch 3.ROW 1: Sk joining lp, dc in next Ip, * (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next Ip, dc in next 3 Ips; rep from * across to last 4 Ips, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next lp, dc in next 2 Ips, sk last Ip (8 ch-2 sps, 56 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Finish off, do not turn.ROW 2: With right side still facing you, rejoin turquoise to top of ch-3 at beg of previous row, ch 3. Dc in next 3 dc, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp, * dc in next 3 dc, sk next dc, dc in next 3 dc, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around to last 4 dc, dc in last 4 dc, join to top of beg ch-3 (to close back opening) (8 ch-2 sps, 81 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Do not ch, do not turn.(Note: You will now be working in rnds instead of rows.)RND 3: Sl st in first 2 dc, ch 3. Dc in next 3 dc, * (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc in next 4 dc, sk next 2 dc, dc in next 4 dc; rep from * around to last ch-2 sp (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in lastch-2 sp, dc in next 4 dc, sk last 2 dc, join to top of beg ch-3 (8 ch-2 sps, 95 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Do not ch, do not turn.RND 4: SI st in first dc, ch 3. Dc in next 4 dc, * (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc in next 5 dc, sk next 2 dc, dc in next 5 dc; rep from * around to last ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in last ch-2 sp, dc in next 5 dc, sk last dc, join (8 ch-2 sps, 111 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Do not ch, do not turn.RND 5: SI st in first dc, ch 3. Dc in next 5 dc, * (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc in next 6 dc, sk next 2 dc, dc in next 6 dc; rep from * around to last ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in last ch-2 sp, dc in next 6 dc, sk last dc, join (8 ch-2 sps, 127 dc -not counting beg ch-3). Do not ch, do not turn.RND 6: SI st in first dc, ch 3. Dc in next 6 dc, * (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc in next 7 dc, sk next 2 dc, dc in next 7 dc; rep from * around to last ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in last ch-2 sp, dc in next 7 dc, sk last dc, join (8 ch-2 sps, 143 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Do not ch, do not turn.RND 7: Sl st in first dc, ch 3. Dc in next 7 dc, * (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc in next 8 dc, sk next 2 dc, dc in next 8 dc; rep from * around to last ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in last ch-2 sp, dc in next 8 dc, sk last dc, join (8 ch-2 sps, 159 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 8: Sc in first 9 dc, * (sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-2 sp, sc in next 10 dc, ch 3, sc in next 10 dc; rep from * around to last ch-2 sp, (sc, ch 3, sc) in last ch-2 sp, sc in last 10 dc, ch 3, join to first sc. Finish off, weave in ends.Armhole Edging (make 2): With right side of bodice and skirt edge facing you, join turquoise to 3rd ch at underarm, ch 1. Sc in same ch as joining and next ch, sc in next 3 skipped sc (from Bodice Row 4), * (sc, ch 3) in next sc, sc in next sc; rep from * two times more, sc in next 3 sc, sc in last 2 chs, join to first sc. Finish off, weave in ends.
Dress FinishingSTEP 1: Red TrimUnderskirt: Holding red yarn on wrong side of underskirt at back seam, sI st zigzag pattern around Underskirt sc rnds 28-33 as shown in Fig. 1. (There will be 6 sl sts per side and 10 skipped so between points). Finish off, knot ends securely on wrong side and trim close.Overskirt: Holding red yarn on wrong side of Overskirt at back seam, sI st around Overskirt between Rnds 6 and 7. Finish off, knot ends securely on wrong side and trim close.
Neck: With right side and back of Bodice facing you, join red to first ch at left neck edge, do not ch. Holding yarn on wrong side, sI st in each ch across neck edge. Finish off, weave in ends.STEP 2: Black TrimUnderskirt: Holding black yarn on wrong side of Underskirt at back seam, sI st in pattern around Underskirt sc Rnds 31-33 as shown in Fig. 1. Finish off, knot ends securely on wrong side and trim close.Overskirt: Holding black yarn on wrong side of Overskirt at back seam, sl st around Overskirt points between Rnd 7 (dc rnd) and Rnd 8 (sc rnd). Finish off, knot ends securely on wrong side and trim close.Bodice: With back of dress facing you, join black to left back edge between Bodice Rows 4 and 5. Holding yarn on wrong side, sI st in each sc across Bodice between Rows 4 and 5 and in each sc across top of Armhole, ending at right back edge. Finish off, weave in ends.STEP 3 - Paddlewheel™ Beads: Separate a 71/2-foot piece of white yarn into two 2-ply lengths. Cut each length into 6" pieces. Use one 6" piece for sewing each Paddlewheel bead. Center 1 bead between any 2 Red Trim points (as shown in Fig. 1). Holding yarn on wrong side, leaving a 2" starting end and sewing through Skirt and bead, bring needle up through center of bead. Bring needle down between "paddles" on right side of bead. Bring needle up again through center of bead. Bring needle down between "paddles" on left side, leaving finishing end. Tie 2 ends tog in triple knot on wrong side of Skirt to secure bead. Trim ends close. Rep procedure With 27 more beads between each 2 points on Overskirt and on Underskirt.STEP 4: Sew 3 sets hooks and eyes to back bodice opening:1 set at neck edge, 1 set at waist, and 1 set halfway between.STEP 5 - Tassel/Bead Trim: Cut one hundred eleven 12" pieces of turquoise yarn. Hold five 12" pieces of yarn tog and fold in half. Thread a 6th piece of yarn into a yarn needle and through center of all 5 Ips of first 5 pieces (This 6th piece will be used for all tassels). Thread both ends of 6th piece into needle (see Fig. 2). String 1 black, 1 red, and 1 white pony bead onto needle and down to center of 5 pieces (see Fig. 3). Insert needle down from top of ch-3 Ip at any point on Overskirt until all 5 lps are through the ch-3 lp (see Fig. 4). Remove needle and 6th piece of yarn. Using latch-hookprocedure, pull all 3 beads and all 10 yarn ends through the 5 Ips (see Fig. 5). Push beads up to 3/4" below attaching knot. Trim yarn ends to 3" below beads. Rep tassel procedure in each ch-3 Ip around Overskirt edge (in points and halfway between points) and in 3 ch-3 Ips at top of each Armhole edge (22 tassels). Set dress aside.
Slip (for standing Indian Doll only)Starting at waist edge, with white, ch 30. Being careful not to twist ch, join to first ch to form a circle, ch 1.RND 1 (right side): Sc in same ch as joining and each rem ch around, join with sI st to first sc (30 sc). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 2: Dc in same sc as joining and next sc, * 2 dc in next sc, dc in next 2 sc; rep from * around to last sc, 2 dc in last sc, join to top of beg ch-3 (40 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 3: * Dc in next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (50 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 4: * Dc in next 4 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (60 dc – not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 5: * Dc in next 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (70 dc – not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 6: * Dc in next 6 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (80 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 7: * Dc in next 7 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around,join (90 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 8: Dc in next 4 dc * 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 8 dc; rep from * around to last 5 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in last 4 dc, join (100 dc – not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 9: * Dc in next 9 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (110 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 10: * Dc in next 10 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (120 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 11: * Dc in next 11 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (130 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 12: Dc in next 6 dc, * 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 12 dc; rep from * around to last 7 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in last 6 dc, join (140 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 13: * Dc in next 13 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (150 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 14: * Dc in next 14 dc, 2 dc in next dc; rep from * around, join (160 dc - not counting beg ch-3). Ch 3, do not turn.RND 15: Dc in next 7 dc, * 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 15 dc; rep from * around to last 9 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in last 8 dc, join (170 dc – not counting beg ch-3). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 16: Sc in each dc around, join to first sc (170 sc). Ch 4, do not turn.RND 17 (Slip Ruffle): Work 2 trc in same sc as joining, * 3 trc in next sc, 2 trc in next sc; rep from * around to last sc, 3 trc in last sc, join to top of beg ch-4 (425 trc - not counting beg ch-4). Ch 4, do not turn.RNDS 18-20: Trc in each trc around, join (425 trc). Ch 4, do not turn. At end of Rnd 20, ch 1 (in place of ch 3), do not turn.RND 21: Sc in each trc around, join to first sc (425 sc). Finish off, weave in end.Slip Finishing: Thread yarn needle with a 15” piece of white yarn. Starting and ending on right side of slip at center back seam, weave yarn through Slip Rnd 1 (sc rnd). Place slip on Indian Doll. Pull yarn ends tightly to fit waist and tie into bow in back. Slip music box into doll’s back. Place dress on doll.
Pillow Base (for Half Doll only)
Pillow Top: Starting at waist edge with white, ch 30. Being careful not to twist ch, join to first ch to form a circle, ch 1.RNDS 1-16: Work same as Slip Rnds 1-16. At end of Rnd 16, ch 2 (in place of ch 4), do not turn.RND 17: Working in back lp of sts for this rnd only (front lps will be used for Pillow Ruffle) hdc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join to top of beg ch-2 (170 dc). Finish off, do not turn.
Pillow Ruffle: With right side and waist edge of Pillow Top still facing you, join white with sl st to first lp left unworked from Pillow Top Rnd 17, ch 4.RND 1; Work 2 trc in same lp as joining and each rem unworked lp around, join with sl st to top of beg ch-4 (340 trc- not counting beg ch-4). Ch 4, do not turn.RNDS 2-3: Trc in each trc around, join (340 trc- not counting beg ch-4). Ch 4, do not turn. At end of Rnd 3, ch 1 (in place of ch 4), do not turn.RND 4: Sc in each trc around, join to first sc. Finish off, weave in ends. Set Pillow Top aside.
Pillow Bottom: Starting at center of pillow bottom with white ch 3.RND 1 (right side): Work 10 hdc in 3rd ch from hook, join with sl st to top of beg ch-2 (10 hdc- not counting beg ch-2). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 2: Work 2 hdc in each hdc around, join (20 hdc- not counting beg ch-2). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 3: * Hdc in next 2 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (30 hdc- not counting beg ch-2). Ch 2, do not turn. RND 4: * Hdc in next 2 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (40 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 5: * Hdc in next 3 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (50 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 6: * Hdc in next 4 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (60 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 7: * Hdc in next 5 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (70 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 8: * Hdc in next 6 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (80 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 9: * Hdc in next 7 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (90 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 10: Hdc in next 4 hdc, * 2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 8 hdc; rep from * around to last 5 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in last 4 hdc, join (100 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 11: * Hdc in next 9 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (110 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 12: * Hdc in next 10 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (120 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 13: * Hdc in next 11 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (130 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 14: Hdc in next 6 hdc, * 2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 12 hdc; rep from * around to last 7 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in last 6 hdc, join (140 hdc). Ch 2, do no turn.RND 15: * Hdc in next 13 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (150 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 16: * Hdc in next 14 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join (160 hdc). Ch 2, do not turn.RND 17: Hdc in next 7 hdc, * 2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 15 hdc; rep from * around to last 9 hdc, 2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in last 8 hdc, join (170 hdc). Finish off, leaving a 3-yard sewing length.
Pillow FinishingSTEP 1: Thread yarn needle with a 15-in. piece of white yarn. Starting and ending on right side at center back seam (where rnds were joined), weave yarn through Pillow Top Rnd 1 (sc rnd). Position pillow top onto pillow doll. Pull yarn ends tightly to fit doll’s waist and tie into bow in back.STEP 2: Turn doll upside down. Hot glue first rnd of sc on pillow top to doll’s waist, slightly below navel. (NOTE: This step is necessary to keep pillow top from riding up after pillow is stuffed.)STEP 3: Position pillow bottom in place, having right side of sts on outside of pillow. Carefully match back seam and sts around outer edge of pillow bottom with sts of Rnd 17 of pillow top (under ruffle). Thread sewing length left at end of pillow bottom into needle and sew pieces tog through both lps of matching sts 3/4 of the way around.STEP 4: Firmly stuff front half of pillow with fiberfill.STEP 5: Thread 2 yards of white into needle. Pull ends even so you will be using 2 strands. Leave 8-in. ends loose at bottom of pillow, draw needle and yarn through 4-hole button and first rnd at center of pillow bottom, next through lp at bottom of doll’s body, back down through first rnd of pillow bottom and 4-hole button. Leave ends loose at bottom of pillow.STEP 6: Finish stuffing pillow and close rem seam. Finish off, weave in end.STEP 7: Pull yarn ends at bottom of pillow with a medium tension and tie once at top of button. With needle, draw yarn ends through 2 rem holes of button and knot securely underneath button. Weave in ends, then shape top of pillow into a plump, well-rounded skirt. Set pillow aside.
Hair Finishing (for either doll, make 2)Remove existing red headband and braid ribbons. Cut a 36” piece of turquoise yarn, fold in half. Tie in double knot around top of braid, placing knot at back of braid. Using a yarn needle, weave both ends of yarn though braid to bottom. Tie ends again around rubber band. Wrap ends tightly for about 1” toward top of braid. Tie again in double knot at back of braid and trim ends close.
HeadbandWith turquoise, ch 40. Being careful not to twist ch, join with sl st to first ch to form a ring, ch 1.RND 1 (right side); Sc in same ch as joining and each rem ch around, join to first sc (40 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 2: Sc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join (40 sc). Cut turquoise, join black. Ch 1, do not turn.RND 3: Continuing with black, sc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join (40 sc). Finish off, weave in ends.Headband Edging: With right side of Headband facing you and starting ch to the top, join black with sl st to first ch at back seam, ch 1. Sc in same ch as joining and each rem ch around, join to first sc (40 sc). Finish off, weave in ends.
Headband FinishingSTEP 1 – Trim: Holding red yarn on wrong side of Headband at back seam, sI st zigzag pattern around 2 turquoise rnds (between black). Finish off, weave in ends.STEP 2: Place Headband around forehead and back of head, with joining seam to the back. Trim 1 white feather to 4 1/2". Push stem of feather into hair on left side of head under Headband.
NecklaceUsing turquoise yarn, leaving a 1 1/2” starting end, ch 30. Finish off leaving a 1 1/2” end. Make 1 tassel, rep procedure for dress tassels. Attach tassel as before to center of ch. Push beads up close to attaching knot. Trim tassel yarn ends to 2”. Alternate stringing 1 black, 1 red, and 1 white pony bead in that order along each of the 2 rem ch lengths above tassel. Tie ends in a double knot around doll’s neck and trim ends close.
Papoose(Note: Prepare papoose head before you begin. To preparehead: optional — paint or stain wood doll head to matchIndian Doll. Using black permanent marker, draw two eyes onhead. Set head aside.)
CarrierBackboard: Starting at center of backboard with red, ch 15.RND 1 (right side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 12 chs, 3 sc in last ch. Continuing around opposite side of starting ch row, sc in next 12 chs, 2 sc in last ch, join to first sc (30 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 2: Work 2 sc in same sc as joining, sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next 3 sc, sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in last 2 sc, join (36 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 3: Work 2 sc in same sc as joining and next sc, sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next 6 sc, sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in last 4 sc, join (48 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 4: Working in back Ip of sts for this rnd only (front Ips will be used for Laced Cradle), sc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join (48 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 5: Sc in same sc as joining, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, * sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc †; rep from * to † 4 times more, sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * to † 4 times, join (61 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 6: Sc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join (61 sc). Finish off, do not turn.
Hood: With right side still facing you, sk same sc as joining and next 6 sc. Rejoin red to next (8th) sc. Turn so wrong side of Backboard is facing you. Working in back Ip of sts only (front lps rem unworked), sc in same sc as joining, hdc in next 2 sc, dc in next 2 sc, trc in next 3 sc, trc in joining sI st from previous rnd, trc in next 7 sc, dc in next 2 sc, hdc in next 2 sc, sc in next sc, sl st in next sc (22 sts). Finish off, weave in ends.
Laced Cradle: With right side and bottom Backboard facing you, rejoin red to any unworked Ip from Backboard Rnd 4 at bottom end of Backboard, ch 1.RND 1: Sc in same Ip as joining and each rem lp around, join (48 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RNDS 2-3: Sc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join (48 sc). Ch 1, do not turn. At end of Rnd 3, do not ch 1. Finish off, weave in ends. Set Carrier aside.
Baby BuntingStarting at Bunting bottom with white, ch 2.RND 1 (right side): Work 8 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join to first sc (8 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 2: Work 2 sc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join (16 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 3-13: Sc in same sc as joining and each rem sc around, join (16 sc). Ch 1, do not turn.RND 14: Sc in same sc as joining, * dec over next 2 sc (to dec: draw up a lp in next 2 sc - 3 Ips now on hook, yo and draw through all 3 Ips on hook), sc in next sc; rep from * around, join (11 sc). Finish off, weave in ends.
Papoose FinishingSTEP 1: Stuff Bunting with fiberfill. Set Bunting aside.STEP 2: Cut eleven 3” pieces of black yarn. Lay 11 pieces flat, side by side, and using needle and black thread, sew centers tog (This will look like a center part in the hair). Glue centers across top of papoose head from front to back. Glue pieces down to side of head. Hot glue head to top of Bunting with joining seam of Bunting to the back, inserting peg into fiberfill. Set aside.STEP 3 (Carrier Edging): Thread a yarn needle with a 20" piece of black yarn. Starting with yarn in back and with front of Carrier facing you, leave a 2 1/2” starting end and whip st in each st across Carrier Hood. Trim finishing end to 2 1/2” and let hang. Thread yarn needle with a 25” piece of black yarn. Starting with yarn in front, on same side of Carrier that you started, leave a 2 1/2” starting end and whip st across Hood, beg at base of Hood and whip st around remainder of Carrier Backboard, ending at base of hood on opposite side. Trim finishing end to 2 1/2”. Tie 2 ends from each set tog on each side, do not cut. Cut four 5” pieces of white yarn. Using 2 black yarn ends on 1 side of Hood, tie across centers of 2 pieces of white yarn with a double knot. Rep on other side of Hood. Let all ends hang.STEP 4: Hot glue papoose into Lace Cradle. Thread a yarn needle with a 24” piece of black yarn. Starting at bottom of cradle, leaving a 2 1/2” starting end, lace yarn back and forth across papoose to neck, using every 4th sc on each side. Pull yarn across neck to opposite side of Laced Cradle and lace back down to bottom, placing yarn halfway between 2 existing laces. Trim finishing end to 2 1/2”. Tie 2 ends tog at bottom of cradle, do not cut. Cut two 5” pieces of white yarn. Using 2 black yarn ends at bottom, tie across centers of 2 pieces of white yarn with a double knot. Using point of yarn needle, separate each ply of all ends of black and white yarn at bottom and sides of carrier to form fringe.STEP 5: Hot glue or tie (with red yarn pieces) papoose Carrier to back of Headband and waist of big doll.